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Small-Group Bible Studies

As we all are attempting to carve our path through this current global pandemic, we have realized the need for connection, maybe now more than we ever have. This is a connection to God and his word, as well as a connection to each other as family. 

We want to give all of our members the opportunity to consistently meet for Bible study within a small group setting.  These offerings are in addition to our current Connect Groups as well as our bible classes once they can continue.  We are hopeful that these study groups are not only greatly beneficial during the pandemic but also great at meeting people's needs and busy schedules after.

Below you will find the lineup of offerings available for your choosing.  We understand that each person has their individual needs when it comes to the level of precautions they take during this season.  So out of respect for those differences, we are offering both in-person and virtual options.  If you chose to meet in-person, classes will be limited in numbers to stay within safety protocols and masks will be required upon entering and exiting while safe social distancing can't be maintained. 

It is important that you RSVP through the form at the bottom of this page to submit which class you are interested in below.   By doing this, we will know when a class is full, how to set up the room, and to email you the link to join the meeting if using a virtual option.  Let us all come together and make meaningful connections even during this time of social distancing.

In-Person Study Groups

Locations will be based on enrollment numbers with limited numbers due to health protocols 

A Men’s Study on What I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger

Mondays at 7pm beginning August 31
This study combines Peter’s teaching with excerpts/concepts from the books “What I Wish I Knew In My 20's” by Brad Olsen and “The Way Forward” by Joe Barnard. We will focus on what it takes in today’s culture for men to grow spiritually.

Joel Anderson

A Women’s Study of Ruth and Esther

Tuesdays at 10 AM beginning September 1
To help prepare for each weeks’ class meeting, a study manual is available for purchase on Amazon called Engaging God’s Word: Ruth and Esther for $7.50.  You may also obtain the book by contacting Colyn prior to August 24 at colyn.bryant or 817-938-5616 

A study of the One Anothers from Max Lucado’s book How Happiness Happens

Wednesday nights at 7 PM starting on September 2.
Scott Jarvis 

Dynamic Marriage Course

Saturday's 6-8:30 pm beginning September 12 for 9 weeks,
Philip & Jan Nichols
Limited to 12 couples. Cost is $120 per couple for materials, $25 deposit required to reserve a spot,  deadline is August 30

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