Discussion Questions:
1. How important is community in your walk with God? What did you learn about building
community from what Paul writes in Philippians 2:1-18?
2. What lessons do we learn about friction from Jesus’ example? In what ways do you
struggle with moving along with people you disagree with? What could change that?
3. Why is it important that Jesus’ sacrifice to the lowest of low points is followed up by super
exalting by God? Does this apply to our situations of being brought low? Why or why not?
4. What struggle have you had with grumbling? What causes grumbling? How does
grumbling add friction between us and other people as well as between us and God?
5. Make a list (mentally or physically) of 10 people you know well. Are they generally happy
or unhappy? Are they generally selfish or unselfish? How do these two things correlate?