What is Truth? - Lesson 1 - The Nature of Truth Vs. The Will
Discussion Questions:
How would you describe the standard of truth you use for your life?
How is faith a necessary part of all worldviews and philosophies? How must faith and reason work together when determining a standard of truth?
How have you struggled with your will wanting to determine truth rather than following a standard outside of yourself? Why is this dangerous?
What role does morality and purity of heart play in discovering truth?
Why does God leave so many openings where faith can be questioned and challenged? How is this a gift from God?
What is Truth?--Lesson 2--Swimming in Culture
Discussion Questions:
How have you seen culture change to become more antagonistic toward teachings and principles found in the bible?
From Jesus’ encounter with Pilate, we see a clash of two different cultures. How has Jesus consistently taught the importance of a culture of beyond-this-world-truth over culture of worldly power?
In what ways has the truth set you free?
Do you agree that our culture is more like what Paul dealt with in Acts 17 than what Peter preached to in Acts 2? How does living in this type of culture affect your understanding of the bible, or influence how you teach the next generation about what is truth?
How prepared are you to “make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, with gentleness and reverence” (I Peter 3:15)?
What is Truth?--Lesson 3--What Does "Inspired" Mean?
Discussion Questions:
How is inspiration another sign of the depth of relationship that God desires to have with us?
What is involved in the process of inspiration? Where does it begin and where does it end?
How do you know that the bible is not just a collection of stories? What convinces you that it is of God and truth?
Have you been guilty of treating your relationship with God like a pyramid where you give Him the top and even the best, but everything else belongs to you? How can you make your life more like a mobile where God is at the center and everything about your life is attached to Him?
How does God’s desire to call people to Him through faith leave room for doubt and questioning His presence in things like the inspiration of Scripture?
What is Truth?--Lesson 4--Copies of Copies?
Discussion Questions:
Why do you think the God who saw to the inspirational writing of the Scriptures did not see to the preservation of any autographs?
Why would God leave room for doubt and skepticism about the reliability of His word to us?
What does the manuscript evidence tell you about how close the bible you read today is to the original writing of it?
Why do you think the overwhelming amount of manuscript evidence, versions and quotes from the early church fathers is treated with such skepticism by many?
What does the way in which God preserved the Scriptures tell you about God and the kind of relationship He wants to have with us?
What is Truth?--Lesson 5--Is the Bible Reliable?
Discussion Questions:
How are the historical accounts recorded in Scripture a witness to its reliability?
How do accounts of fulfilled prophecy demonstrate God’s presence in this world? What do these predictive prophecy accounts provide for your faith development to trust the bible?
What kind of consistency do you see in the writings of many different authors living in different cultures at different time periods in the books of Scripture? How does this provide a sign of God’s involvement in the writing and collection of the bible?
How can some of the difficult things the bible records (slavery, polygamy, sexism, genocide, etc.) actually be evidence that the bible is a source of truth?
What makes Jesus’ testimony about the writings of the Old Testament an important source of evidence for the reliability of the Scriptures?
What is Truth--Lesson 6--The Myth Vs. the Man
Discussion Questions:
What difference has Jesus made in the world? How is His influence affected if He is a myth?
How are the claims about Jesus being God different from what other religions teach? Why are these claims an important part of determining the historicity of Jesus?
What role does the change in the lives of Jesus’ followers play in your acceptance of Jesus as a historical figure?
How can someone who believes in a historical Jesus explain the mythical stories from other cultures that have elements similar to the claims of Jesus found in the New Testament?
How do the sacraments of baptism and communion show the importance of Jesus fulfilling the things the New Testament writers say about Him?
What is Truth?--Lesson 7--Are Miracles a Deal Breaker?
Discussion Questions:
What are the purposes for the miracles recorded in the bible?
How does the argument between Paul and Barnabas relate to the question of God’s miraculous activity in this world?
How does knowing someone else’s worldview help you respect their conclusions, even if you don’t agree with them? How does Elisha’s treatment of his servant help you understand the patience we should display when encountering those with different worldviews?
How have you seen God’s supernatural presence in your life? How has His Word intervened in your life to bring order and direction?
How do the ideas of a cosmological singularity event and intelligent design contribute to your faith in God and His Kingdom ways?
What is Truth?--Lesson 8--Why Should I Believe?
Discussion Questions:
How has the bible helped you discover treasure that you would not have found without it guiding you?
How do the standards of God bring an order and completeness to your life that the ways of the world cannot? How does this provide a witness to the reality of God?
What difference has adoption made in your life? How does it feel to know how much God wants to have relationship with you?
What is some wisdom you have learned from God’s word that has impacted your life in profound ways?
How has this sermon series helped you in your trust of God and His ways?
Who Is Your King?--Stand Alone Sermon--Luke 19 & Judges 6
Discussion Questions:
How would you define sin? Is there a difference between occasionally stumbling and sinning?
How many of the struggles you deal with is due to rebellion and compromise in your bond with God?
Gideon questions where God has been when he looks around at the trials he and his people have endured year after year. How has God called you to be part of the solution for the community around you to experience the presence of God in power and blessings?
Suppose one of the men given a mina had invested it and lost the investment; how do you think the King (Jesus) would respond? Do you think there is a point being made in that each one who invested wound up with more?
What does being yoked with Jesus mean? How does placing ourselves in a yoke with Him actually set us free?
Don't Stop Now - Lesson 1 - Stirring Up A Fire
Discussion Questions:
In what ways have you told yourself that you will make the ways of the LORD more of a priority when things settle down and are under better control?
From your own experience, what brings about apathy or being lukewarm in your spiritual walk? (What causes the fires to burn down or out in your spiritual life?)
What kinds of things are there in your life that has taken on more value than they should have?
How easy have you found it to convince others that you are doing fine, even when the fires are burning down and you are struggling with spiritual lethargy, distraction, or doubts? How do we become more vulnerable and accountable to people?
How does being designed for covenant with God and the fact that He desires this deep of a relationship with you help you maintain a bigger fire in your spiritual walk?
Don't Stop Now! - Lesson 2 - Our Mission Calls for Forward Thinking
Discussion Questions:
How would you define your mission and what God is calling you to build in your life?
What does “forward thinking” look like? What makes it difficult for us to look ahead instead of backwards?
Why is Jesus so adamant in Luke 9:62 that looking backward makes us unfit for the Kingdom of God?
How often do you struggle with feeling like what you do is insignificant? How does Haggai’s message to the Israelites help you see beyond your offering to a bigger plan?
Where does the glory in your life come from? How can you trade the temporary things of this world and their glory for the glory of the LORD Himself?
Don't Stop Now--Lesson 3--Holy Is as Holy Does--Haggai 2:10-19
Discussion Questions:
What kinds of things do you do daily in order to maintain holiness in your daily choices and living?
What have you found to be your greatest distractions in maintaining holiness?
How have you fallen into the trap of thinking religious activity was equal to maintaining a relationship of holiness in your walk with God?
How should we compare the Israelites reception of manna in the wilderness with our own spiritual feeding? What lessons do we learn from how God sustained them in the wilderness?
How is the harvest of spiritual fruit in your life equivalent to what you have sown?
Don't Stop Now--Lesson 4--You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet--Haggai 2:20-23
Discussion Questions:
What has God promised us concerning the security of our future?
Why is it difficult to believe the promises of a fruitful future when faced with “giant” challenges and threats of defeat in this life?
How does the message of Haggai to Zerubbabel help you see the significance of the tasks God has called you to do for the sake of His Kingdom?
How have the choices of the generations prior to us affected our spiritual journey? How does God’s word to Zerubbabel trump the legacy he was left? What does this teach us?
How does God give us free will and yet bring about His eternal plans?