Garden Ridge latest COVID 19 Update
With COVID infections and exposures reaching a new peak, not to mention other sicknesses common this time of year, we'd like to remind our members and visitors how we can work together to make our gatherings as safe as possible.
1. Hand Sanitizer
We will provide hand sanitizer at each entrance.
2. Contactless Communion
We will continue providing individual Communion sets that can be picked up on your way in and disposed of in the cup on your pew.
3. Contactless Giving
We offer online giving, though you can also leave your contribution in the baskets on the Communion tables.
4. Room to Spread Out
The entire auditorium seating is available, making it easier to find a place distant enough from others if that is your preference.
5. Need Help? Just Ask!
There will be greeters and others available for information, guidance or accommodations if you need any help.
1. Self-Screening
Please self-screen before attending and refrain from participating if you answer YES to any of the following:
Do I have a fever or had one in the last 24 hours? Have I taken a fever reducer to lower my temperature?
Do I have any of the following symptoms or feel sick:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Loss of taste or smell
Body aches
In the last 5 days, have I been in contact with someone sick with these symptoms above or diagnosed with COVID-19?
2. Masking and Social Distancing
Remember that wearing a mask can protect not only yourself but others who have come to worship. Social distancing can also help reduce the spread of COVID-19 or any of the infections common this time of year.
3. Consideration for Others
Be thoughtful of others' needs, particularly if they may need you to refrain from hugging and other contact for their sake. Being extra cautious for someone else's benefit is a loving thing to do!
Thank you for helping us make Garden Ridge a warm, friendly and SAFE place to worship and be ministered to.