Day 10 - Friday, January 10
Andrew Swango
Father God,
Ever since the first sin, people have continued to hurt people. In 2025, things will not be different. Because we are human, we are not immune from the hurts that come from others or that come from ourselves.
This is why we need You!
We are unable to heal ourselves, but You are the Great Physician, the Lord who heals. Your healing is so powerful and so perfect. You are able to heal us from any and all hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Whether our pain is from our own sins, from someone else's words or actions, or from the everyday struggles in this life, please heal us from it all!
Father, it feels like there are mountains in our way, struggles and hardships that hold us back. Many of our mountains are too high and difficult to climb. We do not have the ability to move mountains. But You do! We praise You for the HOPE that You give us because, through You, mountains can move. We depend on You to make our paths straight.
We praise You for who You are. We praise You for what You can do. We praise You for Your never-ending love. We praise You for giving us hope and a future. We praise You for everything You have to teach us. We praise You for always being with us.
Above all...
Help us to recognize our hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Show us that You are able to heal us from those things.
Teach us how to submit to Your healing power, which can move mountains.
And as we experience Your healing, train us in how to support others in their search to find Your healing also.