Day 5 - Sunday, January 5
Tamara Wyatt
Strength & Wellbeing of Families

Holy God,
We come before You now, humbled at Your power, love, greatness, and strength, and grateful that You call us Your sons and daughters.
God, we need Your Spirit to dwell in us mightily! As we look to the new year, help our eyes to be focused on You and for us to trust Your Spirit in the decisions we make, the words we say, and the ways we serve.
Help us to be able to discern Your ways above all other ways and for them to reveal a clear distinction in how to walk in them. We know Satan works so hard in confusion and lies, and that makes us doubt what we know is true. Help us not to be persuaded by him, and give him no power over our lives.
We know that discernment from Your Word is a valuable quality that comes from a close relationship with You. Help us to understand Your will and to make choices that align with Your principles. Give us the discipline to read Your Word daily and to apply it in our lives.
Just like Your Word says in Romans, help us not conform to the pattern of the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Then we will be able to test and approve what Your will is: Your good, pleasing, and perfect will.
God, we pray for the strength, health, and well-being of the families in our church and beyond. Not just physical health and strength, but also for spiritual health and strength as we disciple and train our children and are a presence in the community around us. Help us to pray for others fervently and to be a pillar of support to those around us.
God, we pray for the strength of marriages. We know that Satan loves division--division among God’s people, but especially division within the home--because he wants to make us feel alone. We pray mightily for a stronghold to be put around the marriages in our church family so that, when Satan shoots flaming arrows, they easily bounce off and have no effect.
God, we pray that You give us guidance to have strong, effective parenting. Fill us with wisdom. We pray for wisdom daily, and Your Word promises in James that, when we lack wisdom, You will give it generously to all without reproach if we only ask for it.
We pray for protection from the various ways Satan tries to attack and weaken families. God, we pray for undivided devotion to You in our families. Help us to be warriors for Your Kingdom and to raise our children to be warriors for the Kingdom.
Capture our children’s hearts so that they will crave You and that their desire will be set on following You and Your Word. Help them to lay down their own lives in baptism for a relationship with You. Help them to not be persuaded or thrown off by things of this world. We pray for them to have so much wisdom and discernment in this world that they can easily discern what is true, what is noble, and what is from you.
Safeguard their purity. Put people in their lives who will encourage, hold them accountable, and love them like You do. Help them to put on the full armor of God daily, to trust Your Word, to discern truth, to walk in Your ways, and to crave daily a relationship with You.
Lord, bless our feet and our children’s feet. May they carry the good news of y
You to others.
Bless our legs. May they go on in times of trouble.
Bless our backs. May they be strong enough to carry the burdens of others.
Bless our arms to hold the lonely and our hands to do good work.
Bless our necks. Turn our heads to the poor.
Bless our ears. May they discern truth.
Bless our mouths. May they speak encouragement.
Bless our eyes to see the beauty in the world.
Bless our minds. May they grow wise in knowledge of You.
But above all, Lord, bless our hearts to come to love You and all that You made in the right order.
And fill us with JOY so that, when others see us, they see You and Your light.
Thank You for Jesus, for His ultimate sacrifice and for the example He gave us. We are so grateful for this very undeserving, but precious, gift. Thank You for loving us SO deeply as Your gift to us.
We love You!