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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1.  With all the trials David experienced, how did he become a man of praise instead of bitterness?  What strategies do you see from his life that will help you praise more and complain less?

2.  Why do the roots of your faith need to be both deep and wide?  What helps you to grow in these different ways?  How is your faith walk both a sprint and a marathon?

3.  What signs were there that Saul was going to struggle with the responsibilities of being king?  Why do you suppose God put him in this role anyway?

4.  Why can a kingdom be no greater than the character of the individuals?  What does this teach you about being intentional with the development your own character?

5.  Which do you have more trouble doing: recognizing your sin and confessing it, or changing so you don’t continue in it?  God changed Saul’s heart in I Samuel 10:6. Why did it not stay changed?

Discussion Questions:

1.  What kinds of shortcuts have you attempted in your spiritual development?  How did it work out for you? 

2.  Why is it difficult at times to remember that God is with us?  Why is having Him with us vital to our character development?

3.  Why did God seek to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24?  Are there any issues with your relationship with God that have not been set in order?  How was obedience greater than sacrifice or good works in this situation?

4.  Moses’ issue with anger resulted in him missing out on leading the Israelites into the Promised Land.  What areas of your own character are hindering you from experiencing all that God wants for you and from you?

5.  How have you seen shortcuts encouraged by worldly thinking lead to increased fear, anxiety, and even devouring one another?  Discuss if and how God’s path is truly better.

Discussion Questions:

1.  How does immediate gratification typically work against greater fulfillment? 

2.  Why does God’s design call for lots of time and trials to mature our character?  How have you seen shortcuts in character development turn out badly?

3.  How discouraged do you get when your reward for doing something right turns out to be persecution or loss?  What kinds of things help you to see God’s bigger picture when things like this happen?

4.  Why are Judah’s and Joseph’s stories woven together in Genesis 37-39?  How is discipline and self-control an essential part of married life and Kingdom living?  How would you rate yourself in the areas of discipline and self-control?

5.  Why is it important to remember that God is aiming for the character of a Kingdom instead of just individuals?  How does unity profit character development?

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