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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1.  What is the temptation to look backward instead of forward?  Why do we tend to remember things better in the past than they were?  How did the Israelites struggle with this?

2.  What kinds of things tether you to this world and make it difficult to live as a citizen of heaven?  What kinds of things remind you to look up and live as the citizen of heaven you are called to be?

3.  Who influences you in good ways to grow in your faith?  How do you pass this on to others?

4.  What reasons would you give for Moses seeking more of God while the Israelites wanted to go back to Egypt?  Why is it important for us to recognize that Moses was eventually influenced by the behavior of the Israelites and eventually lost the right to lead Israel into the Promised Land?

5.  Paul emphasizes at the end of this passage in Philippians 3 that there is a transformation from dust to glory.  At the same time, he teaches throughout this passage that none of this is by our own power.  What is the difference in will power and God’s transformation?  How much are you responsible for and how much is by God’s doing?  How does this make it all the more important to draw nearer to God?

Discussion Questions:

1.  How is rejoicing in the LORD a safeguard?  From what kinds of things does it protect you?

2.  What do you find impressive about Saul’s list of accomplishments in Philippians 3:4-6?  Why is this not a good offering to the LORD?

3.  Discuss whether you think a person can seek to destroy others and still have joy.  How do Saul’s actions of persecution compare favorably and unfavorably with Phineas and the Sons of Thunder?

4.  What kind of wrong measuring sticks have you seen implemented in churches or people’s lives?  What is the danger of comparing us to ourselves or to other people? 

5.  Why is resurrection listed twice in Philippians 3:10-11?  How are the sufferings of Jesus a fellowship? 

Discussion Questions:

1.  Respond to the statement, “A non-serving Christian is a contradiction in terms.”  How are you using your talents, passions, gifts, and resources to serve Christ and others?

2.  What is the difference between genuine concern for others and worry or anxiety for them?  How do you have concern without crossing into anxiety or worry?

3.  How does your walk with Christ call you to be a brother, a fellow worker, and a fellow soldier to others who walk with Christ?  Which of these roles do you find easier or more difficult to do?

4.  How does Paul use Jesus, Timothy, Epaphroditus, the Philippians, and himself to demonstrate how community can work, even with people 700 miles apart?  What can we learn from this to help us build a stronger community as a church family, and to have a greater presence in the communities of Lewisville, Flower Mound, Highland Village, etc.?

5.  Why does God so often use the younger and weaker to accomplish His will?  Why were Timothy and Epaphroditus men to be held in high regard even with their sicknesses and weakness?

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