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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1. How does Jesus’ offer for rest for your soul tie into the importance of repentance

(transformation) and making room for Him? What struggles do you have paying attention

to what God is doing around you?

2. What danger do you see in trying to squeeze God into your busy life rather than changing

your life by expanding your tents and making room for Him? How have you seen God try

to stretch you into more than you used to be?

3. Why do you suppose the God capable of providing a star for the Magi to follow did not

provide a room for Jesus to be born within? How did the Magi’s willingness to make room

in their lives for God pay off for them?

4. How does not providing a room for Jesus give His disciples an important lesson to

contemplate? What price have you been called to pay to carry out God’s will in your life?

5. What does John 14:2-3 tell us Jesus is doing for us currently? Knowing He is making room

for you, what is your honest evaluation of your making room for Him?

Discussion Questions:

1. What was it that caused Jesus to be in such agony and desperation at the Garden of

Gethsemane? Why do you think God was silent on this difficult occasion?

2. How often does it feel like praying to God is like praying to a wall? Why, then, did God

answer Hezekiah’s prayer knowing the difficulties it would bring?

3. Why do we make deals with things of this world when God has proven His provision &

protection in the past? What kinds of things cause your faith to have highs and lows like

Hezekiah did?

4. How much do you think about what you are leaving behind for those following after you?

How might surrendering, even to the point of death, be used by God in the lives of those

following you?

5. Why is transformation such a difficult thing to accomplish? How does pride work against

what God is trying to transform in your life?

Discussion Questions:

1. How is it more accurate to say, “God is precise” instead of “God is harsh”? Why does His

standard of holiness seem harsh?

2. In what ways is unbelief at the root of most, if not all, of our anger? How small does the

universe get when you are consumed by anger?

3. In what ways do the Israelite people move Moses toward anger and not treating God as

holy? Can we blame others for tripping us up this way? Why, or why not?

4. Do you see consistency in the way God handled Moses’ striking the rock with the other

stories of rebellion in Numbers? What makes it feel like God is inconsistent? Is there a

lesson in this for us?

5. What fear do you have of being tripped up or dropping the baton before reaching the

finish line? How does Moses’ story of failure being carried out into the New Testament

alleviate your fears?

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