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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1. What kinds of things cause you to forget all that the LORD has done on your behalf? How

does Satan use sin and trials to hinder our recollection of all the LORD has done for us?

2. The writer of Psalm 111 praises at least six ways that God has been involved in our history.

As a group come up with at least five of these ways and then discuss which ones cause

you to be full of thanks and praise towards the LORD, and why they cause you to feel this


3. How does viewing what God has done in the past help you with situations in the present

and maintaining hope for the future?

4. So many of the stories referred to in Psalm 111 are examples of victory. What personal

stories do you have to share in which God has helped you to have victory over something?

5. What does it mean to fear the LORD? In what sense is fear of the LORD the beginning of

wisdom? How does remembering what God has done help you to understand how life

works along with the best ways to live?

Discussion Questions:

1. What kinds of things have you seen the devil do to diminish the power of prayer? Why is

he so successful with his tactics?

2. How have you seen prayer work against division and covering up from. The LORD and/or

one another?

3. Why is the example of Samson’s prayer life so discouraging? How might his legacy been

different if he was not so independent and more inclined to humility in prayer?

4. Why does starting off praying with God’s words to us have more power and impact than

starting with human needs and perspective? How can you grow in this in your own prayer


5. How important is alertness in prayer? What kinds of things move you towards sleepiness

in your time with God, instead of alertness? What kinds of things help you to be invested

and alert?

Discussion Questions:

1. What power do you see in corporate (united and combined) prayer versus individual

prayer? Why are both important?

2. How is prayer like an aerial assault in war? How would you grade Garden Ridge in using

this advantage the LORD has given us in spiritual warfare?

3. What is your view of going into your inner room and praying in secret? How does it fit with

an emphasis on corporate prayer? How do the examples provided in the Book of Acts

help you to see the need to expand your prayer closet?

4. Would you say our worship times together at Garden Ridge are more a house of prayer? A

house of preaching? A house of fellowship? Or something else? What changes need to be

made so we function as a house of prayer?

5. How much of your spiritual walk is based upon dependence upon God? How often do you

tell Him your need for Him and your appreciation for what He provides?

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