Discussion Questions:
1. How have you seen God be inconsistent in the way He deals with people? Does this
undermine or bolster the idea that He has a plan for everything? How so?
2. How do difficult circumstances provide a litmus test of what we believe about God having
a plan for our life?
3. Have you ever wished that God left a breadcrumb trail or provided a pillar of cloud/fire for
you to follow through your life? What kind of trail or guide do you see in the Scriptures?
4. What kind of connections do you see between what God did to rescue Israel from Egypt
and then leading them through the wilderness with what Paul talks about in Ephesians 1:1-
14? What do these comparisons say to you?
5. How does Paul demonstrate that God is over the past, present, and future? How does this
provide security for you as He works in your life?