Discussion Questions:
1. What struggles have you had with keeping a soft heart and teachable spirit? Would you
say you are a slow or a fast learner? Why?
2. What part can you play to make the community and the world around you better? How can
you invest in this culture to provide a witness of love and truth instead of escaping it?
3. In what ways has a rhetoric of God being angry and full of wrath hindered your drawing
close to Him? How does Jeremiah’s message help you see things differently?
4. How have you seen a voice of false prophecy arise against the plans of God? What kinds
of things try to persuade you to not engage in the plans of God?
5. Jeremiah emphasized relationship with God as “you will” and “I will”. What are your parts
and what are God’s parts of carrying out His Big Plans in your life? How does entrusting
yourself to His Big Plans help you feel connected to God?