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Blessed--Lesson 1--God Wants to Bless Us

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is it important that we start our theology with original blessing rather than original sin?

How does fear change the way we see God’s activity, whether it is for blessing or cursing?

2. How do the different stages of Moses’ life help you to see the many disguises of God’s

blessing upon our lives?

3. What does it mean that the blessings of God are an investment? How is this counter to a

prosperity Gospel?

4. Do you agree that the blessing of God is about identity and destiny or purpose? How does

this change what you are looking for from the goodness of God?

5. How are you comforted with the fact that there are so many stories in the Scriptures about

God’s presence and purpose turning things into victory and blessings? How does this

help you face difficulties and trials different from the world?

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