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Celebrate--Lesson 2--I'm Not Doing This Without You--Luke 1:26-38

Discussion Questions:

1.  How do the superhero characters of Marvel & DC Comics etc. reveal fundamental truths placed in our hearts by our Creator?  Why are we enthralled with the impossible being accomplished?

2.  Why does God bring the Savior of the world to mankind using nobodies from places of poor reputation?  How does His method instill confidence in what He can do through you and your circumstances?

3.  What qualities do you find in Mary that enable God to use her in the ways that He does?  What grade would you give yourself in these qualities?

4.  How has having the Savior in your life brought inconvenience or great cost?  What kinds of things support you and encourage you to stay faithful through the inconveniences and costs?

5.  What times do you have in your day or week to ponder the things of God?  Why is making the effort and taking the time to ponder important and helpful?

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