Discussion Questions:
1. Tell of a time recently when you didn’t want to participate in something but were pleasantly surprised and encouraged by attending. Why is our attitude or motivation often easily persuaded by what is happening in the moment?
2. Living in a world with broken and selfish exhibitions of power, how has Jesus’ model benefitted you in your daily living? How does one balance living according to Jesus’ model of humble and servant uses of power in a world that might take advantage of that?
3. Why do you suppose with God being sovereign, He would choose for Mary to give birth away from home and with such poor conditions and little help? How do you respond when God chooses a tougher path for you to take than what you envisioned? What keeps you motivated to carry on when it feels like you are getting the chaff pounded out of you?
4. Does God always reveal the purpose or meaning behind the trials and struggles we encounter? Where do you turn or what do you do when you can’t figure out the purpose or meaning behind what God is allowing into your life?
5. Why is it important that all of God’s promises are “YES” in Jesus? How well do you share God’s “YES” with the people around you? What could you do to improve in passing this on?