Discussion Questions:
1. When God pours out His Spirit upon mankind, what two things happen that provide
boundaries for how Spiritual Gifts should be used (Acts 2:1-13 & 43-47)?
2. How does using parameters of glorifying the name of God and building up the body of
believers help us use Spiritual Gifts in a healthy way?
3. In what ways might Spiritual Gifts be misused or even abused? What is the danger of
mixing human characteristics and limited perspective with the power of God’s Spirit?
4. What was the real sin of Ananias & Saphira (Acts 5:1-11) or of Simon (Acts 8:18-24)? How
does an attitude of, “What’s in it for me?” get in the way of using the Spiritual Gifts the way
God desires?
5. How does Barnabas’ gift of exhortation show you the importance of every member of the
6. How does seeing how the Magi’s gifts were used by God to protect Jesus and His family
encourage you to freely use your gifts?
7. Do you see potential ministry needs in which your Spiritual Gift(s) can be implemented? Is
anything holding you back from this?
8. How does the way we (Garden Ridge) do church help or hinder the way people use their
Spiritual Gifts?
9. Are there any ways that you are doing what others can do and leaving undone what only
you can do? How do your spiritual gifts make you unique in the Kingdom?