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I've Got a Peaceful, Easy Feeling--Lesson 4--I See Jesus in You--Philippians 2:19-30

Discussion Questions:

1.  Respond to the statement, “A non-serving Christian is a contradiction in terms.”  How are you using your talents, passions, gifts, and resources to serve Christ and others?

2.  What is the difference between genuine concern for others and worry or anxiety for them?  How do you have concern without crossing into anxiety or worry?

3.  How does your walk with Christ call you to be a brother, a fellow worker, and a fellow soldier to others who walk with Christ?  Which of these roles do you find easier or more difficult to do?

4.  How does Paul use Jesus, Timothy, Epaphroditus, the Philippians, and himself to demonstrate how community can work, even with people 700 miles apart?  What can we learn from this to help us build a stronger community as a church family, and to have a greater presence in the communities of Lewisville, Flower Mound, Highland Village, etc.?

5.  Why does God so often use the younger and weaker to accomplish His will?  Why were Timothy and Epaphroditus men to be held in high regard even with their sicknesses and weakness?

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