Discussion Questions:
1. Why do you suppose the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) speaks of the LORD our God as well
as the LORD your God? What significance does this hold for your walk with God?
2. Do you agree that loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is impossible
without Jesus? What does this teach you about the difference in Law and grace?
3. Is Jesus more of your teacher or your savior? Why is it dangerous to settle for Jesus being
a teacher or example only?
4. Do you have any fear of being close to the Kingdom of God, but not being in it? Why is
that an unnecessary fear if you recognize Jesus as a teacher, an example, and a savior?
5. Do you know the love language of God? How does the Greatest Command reveal His love
language? Of the areas of obedience, loving others, and being on fire in commitment, in
which of these do you feel strongest, and in which do you hope to grow?