Discussion Questions:
1. What does the tearing of the veil of the Temple mean for your walk with the LORD? How
does being able to touch the Mountain of God affect your spiritual life?
2. How much does feeling unworthy, guilty or shamed play in the struggles you have
staying positive in your daily living? Do you believe that there is no condemnation if you
are in Christ?
3. How did striving to achieve righteousness through Law keeping and works affect Paul’s
handling of Stephen? If trying to live according to Law and works didn’t positively help
Paul, do you believe it is a help to you? Why or why not?
4. Israel had a difficult time living as if they were free, even after God rescued them from
Egypt. Do you see the same kind of struggle in your own life? What do you feel you have
missed out on turning back to the things that enslave you?
5. Would you say you crucify yourself between the 2 thieves of regret over the past and
fear of the future? Does hearing Paul’s words in Romans 8 make a practical and
applicable difference in how you live out your days? How so?