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Custom Made--Lesson 1--What Do I Have to Offer?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What kind of frustration have you had with wanting your life to be used by God to make a real difference for His Kingdom, but not being sure how to go about it? How can a study of spiritual gifts provide answers for this?

  2. How important is being planted in the right environment? What kinds of things make you feel like you are thriving and growing because you are planted where you are suppose to be?

  3. How would Garden Ridge be different if everyone was planted in the right environment and empowered to fulfill what their gifts were meant to accomplish?

  4. Is there something you would like to do in ministry or in service to others but are not sure you have permission or authority to just do it? If so, what is it?

  5. Do you believe that everyone who is a believer has a spiritual gift? (See I Corinthians 12:7) How excited are you to find out what your gifts are?

  6. What is the difference between spiritual gifts and natural talents? How can both be useful to the Kingdom of God?

  7. Jesus told Peter the vision He had of him and how He intended to use Peter’s talents, passions and gifts (Matthew 4:18-20). What do you think Jesus would say to you, according to your talents, passions and gifts?

  8. How freeing is it to know that the gifts, the ministries and even the effects are all according to what God gives us? (I Corinthians 12:4-6) What is a healthy balance when it comes to our efforts and God producing the results?

  9. Have you ever felt like one of the “uncounted” (like you really don’t matter or have much to offer)? How does the story of using the little boy’s lunch in the feeding of the 5000 offer you God’s perspective on this? (Matthew 14:21)

  10. What could Garden Ridge do better to help people use their spiritual gifts?

Custom Made--Lesson 2--What is the Purpose of Spiritual Gifts?


Discussion Questions:

  1. When God pours out His Spirit upon mankind, what two things happen that provide boundaries for how Spiritual Gifts should be used (Acts 2:1-13 & 43-47)?

  2. How does using parameters of glorifying the name of God and building up the body of believers help us use Spiritual Gifts in a healthy way?

  3. In what ways might Spiritual Gifts be misused or even abused? What is the danger of mixing human characteristics and limited perspective with the power of God’s Spirit?

  4. What was the real sin of Ananias & Saphira (Acts 5:1-11) or of Simon (Acts 8:18-24)? How does an attitude of, “What’s in it for me?” get in the way of using the Spiritual Gifts the way God desires?

  5. How does Barnabas’ gift of exhortation show you the importance of every member of the church?

  6. How does seeing how the Magi’s gifts were used by God to protect Jesus and His family encourage you to freely use your gifts?

  7. Do you see potential ministry needs in which your Spiritual Gift(s) can be implemented? Is anything holding you back from this?

  8. How does the way we (Garden Ridge) do church help or hinder the way people use their Spiritual Gifts?

  9. Are there any ways that you are doing what others can do and leaving undone what only you can do? How do your spiritual gifts make you unique in the Kingdom?

Custom Made--Lesson 3--Combining Spiritual Gifts With Passion


Discussion Questions:

  1. What is the connection between being a living sacrifice and putting our Spiritual Gifts to work in our lives?

  2. Why is consecration necessary for us to see amazing things happen for God’s Kingdom? What do you do to consecrate yourself to the LORD?

  3. What struggles do you have with dethroning yourself?

  4. How did Barnabas’ passion to live out his Spiritual Gift of exhortation enable him to stand against intense opposition two different times? What do you learn about the importance of combining Spiritual Gifts with passion from Barnabas’ example?

  5. Why does knowing your passion areas of service along with your personality traits matter when looking at what your Spiritual Gifts are?

  6. How did passion without obedience to God cause problems for Saul (Paul) and Moses? How is passion without love or obedience to God a problem when using our Spiritual Gifts in service to God?

  7. What does Paul’s emphasis on love in the midst of his teaching on Spiritual Gifts teach you about the danger of not using Spiritual Gifts in a proper way?

  8. What is the danger in thinking we are spiritual based upon putting Spiritual Gifts to work versus aiming for something higher, like the eternal quality of love?

  9. How have you been tempted to measure your spiritual maturity by your religious activity (engaging in programs and using Spiritual Gifts) over building relationship and community through love?

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