Discussion Questions:
1. How does our desire to be liked influence our leadership ability? What are some ways to
avoid falling into the trap of people pleasing?
2. What makes good people turn into saboteurs? Why are there consistently those who will
try to sabotage leadership?
3. How have you seen people lose their ears when people of God resort to the sword? How
do you avoid reaching a point of retaliation or violence when you are attacked? What
helps you to stay calm and focused on the mission?
4. How do we adapt to reaching our culture without change? What changes are you afraid of
seeing happen at Garden Ridge? Why do these changes scare you?
5. What makes receiving a present in different wrapping paper than you ask for acceptable?
How does God’s focus on mission and the fact that He does not waste anything help you
look beyond the wrapping paper that life comes in to the contents inside the box?