Discussion Questions:
1. Why is it important that we understand the Laws of Nature that govern us? How does the
Law of sowing & reaping affect tomorrow’s experiences? Do you agree that today is the
father of tomorrow? Why, or why not?
2. In what ways can we be deceived in what and how we sow? How do immediate outcomes
often lie to us? Why is delayed gratification such an important discipline for all areas of
our life?
3. Why is fear an enemy of healthy sowing? What was Jesus able to do with the 5 loaves & 2
fish offered by a boy versus what happened with the one who buried their talent? How do
we overcome our fear?
4. Why was the woman at the Temple in Luke 21:1-2 praised by Jesus? Why is it important to
set goals for giving rather than saving?
5. Do you believe it is more blessed to give than receive? What is your experience with this?