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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1. How does being a priest help Jesus to bring our enemies under subjection to Him?

2. In what ways has Satan made you feel alone and like no one understands what you are

dealing with? How does knowing about Jesus as your intercessor bring comfort to you?

3. What is the significance of Jesus being called “Emmanuel” (God with us)? How does this

name illustrate the role Jesus plays as our High Priest and mediator?

4. How does Jesus’ prayers and presence make a difference to the apostles on the Sea of

Galilee during the storm they encounter? How does it help Peter when Satan demands

to sift him like wheat? How does it help you in the midst of your trials, temptations,

storms and difficulties?

5. What difference does it make that our High Priest has entered the real Holy of Holies

with blood that is better than that of bulls and goats so that He can make atonement and

intercede for us?

Discussion Questions:

1. How does knowing your destiny aid you as you live in a fallen world?

2. If God offers you every place your foot treads, how big would your steps be? How does

this apply to your spiritual walk and inheritance?

3. Are there any parts of your inheritance that you find it difficult to claim? How can being

part of a community help you with this?

4. What strikes you about the level of commitment God sought from the Israelites prior to

their entering their inheritance? In what ways does He require the same from us?

5. Considering what God showed the Israelites at Eschol, what should the fruit in our lives

be like? What kinds of things hinder the fruit from being so abundant?

Discussion Questions:

1. How does it enrich your life to know that you have been assured victory?

2. What kind of struggle have you had with looking backward instead of forward? How is

this the same danger that Lot’s wife fell into?

3. What kind of issues in your life make you feel like you are being attacked by demons?

How have you seen Jesus set you free from these kinds of things?

4. What does walking through a path of darkness and seeking to serve Jesus even when

grieving and confused wind up providing for Mary Magdalene? How does this

encourage you in the hardships and frustrations you deal with?

5. What is the significance of the first person Jesus revealed Himself to when He rose from

the dead was one struggling with being in the dark, grieving, confused, and not really

looking for the right things? How does this encourage you?

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