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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1. If the only thing you knew about the afterlife is that it was a place all went to and it had no punishment or reward, would you still be motivated to walk with God? Why or why not?

2. How have you seen the idea of going to heaven treated like fire insurance? Is that a bad thing? Should there be more to the afterlife than this?

3. Does the idea of an afterlife help you live in a more complete way in the time given to you in this world?

4. Is it possible to be “so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good”? What would that look like?

5. How does the concept that a transformed life takes time help you see the value of what God is doing in this world to prepare you for eternity?

6. What are some ways that you can show that the Kingdom is already upon us in this life?

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever struggled with doubt about whether there is an afterlife?

2. What are some ways Satan tries to cloud our thinking about what awaits us after this world? How does this sometimes make you feel like giving up?

3. How does the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus provided help you to anticipate what life with Jesus will be for eternity?

4. Considering the bride price Jesus was willing to pay for you, how does this help with your esteem and confidence in who God created you to be?

5. How does understanding the proposal Jesus offered us change the way you view communion? How does it enhance these words: “Do this in remembrance of Me”?

Discussion Questions:

1. How have you seen God saying “no” to your requests turn out to be a good thing?

2. How was God’s plan for a king different from what the Israelites wanted? Why do we find

it so hard to wait patiently for God to carry out His plans instead of rushing into our own


3. Why do we have such a difficult time being different from the world and wanting different

things from what the world wants? Give some examples of how not being like the world

is a good thing.

4. Why is changing an opinion so difficult, even when shown facts full of truth? What kinds of

things need to happen in order to change a heart?

5. What comfort do you receive from having a King who gives instead of taking from you?

What is one specific thing you can do this week to follow His example?

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