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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you afraid of going to hell? Why, or why not?

  2. What do you think of the ideas of universalism (all wind up being saved) and annihilationism (Those who go to hell are completely destroyed)? Can you understand why believing in the loving nature of God has led to these beliefs?

  3. Why is it inaccurate to say that God sends people to hell? How did the choices of the rich man of Luke 16 naturally lead him to the consequences he faced?

  4. How does God use hell to bring about feelings of desperation? Why is desperation a good place to be? What benefits come from feeling desperate?

  5. How does identity play into your eternal future? How would you describe your own identity to someone else?

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you believe that God’s judgment and wrath are a good thing? Why or why not?

2. What kind of tension do you see between the holiness of God and His desire to save us because of His love for us? What does this teach you about future judgment?

3. How does God’s judgment involve both salvation by faith and grace along with the necessity of good works? Are these two ways of being judged contradictory?

4. How comforting is it to see that the rulebook says we do not have to go to hell? How do Jesus’ words in Matthew 25:41 add to this comfort?

5. What difference does it make that Abraham and Moses were able to change the mind of God when it came to His wrath against the people of Sodom and those who made the golden calf? How does this demonstrate what God said about Himself in Exodus 34:6-7?

  1. What are the ups and downs of  the story of your hair?

  2. What struggles have you had in your life that have made you feel unimportant and devalued ?

  3. Would you have done something similar to the sinful woman in Luke 7: 36-38, to show your love for Jesus?  Why or why not?

  4. Who, in your life, has encouraged you to feel valued and appreciated?

  5. When you realize the price that was paid for you, how does it help you see yourself and God differently? I Cor. 6:19,20

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