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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

  1. What kinds of things are you facing or have you faced that felt like the weight of them would simply break you? How did God provide others to walk with you and carry the weight?

  2. Why would God allow people to be attacked at their “resting place”? What should we learn from this?

  3. What kinds of situations have required you to play the role of Moses on behalf of someone else in the battles they face? How do you stand strong and overcome when there seems no end in sight and the weight of it is wearing you out?

  4. You can’t possibly be invested and involved in everyone’s battle or be there to provide support; so how do you set priorities and choose what battles to pour yourself into?

  5. How are you at allowing other people to walk with you and support you? Why is this difficult to accept?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Why is it important to recognize that heaven is more of a relationship than a place?  What effect does this have on your priorities?

  2. How have you seen God make efforts to draw near to you?

  3. How do the pictures of heaven being a city; a cube; and a bride show what God desires of us in order to spend eternity with Him?

  4. How do the gates and foundation stones of the new heaven continue to show God making all things new? What hope does it give you to see the way God deals with the tribes of Israel and the apostles?

  5. How does being “in Christ” offer you a new beginning and restore your holiness?

  6. How has this sermon series helped you appreciate the beauty of God’s plan for your future?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Tell how heaven is the ultimate fulfillment of history.  How does this give you security?  

  2. Why do you suppose God did not do away with the darkness when He created light?  How does that apply to His use of evil in our current world?

  3. The level of evil and destruction as the seals are broken leads to wondering who can stand through the wrath of the Lamb.  How are we able to stand?  What does it mean that we are protected but not removed from the suffering?

  4. The scene in heaven is one of worship and praise for what God provided His people.  How does knowing this teaching in Revelation 6-7 stir up praise and worship in you?

  5. What is your reaction to seeing evil contained?  How does this give you courage to face the challenges in our world today?

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