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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions:

1. What makes it difficult to practice Jesus being the King and I am His servant? What are

some ways to keep these in proper order?

2. What kind of a King would send His followers into the dark and storms and then allow

them to struggle for a long while?

3. Share a time in your life when God demonstrated to you that He is a God who sees

(Yahweh Roi). How does this give you confidence in the midst of the current storms you


4. Why is it important that Jesus didn’t calm the storm before walking on the sea? How does

this fact illustrate the kind of King Jesus is? How does this tie to the picture of the sea in

the book of Revelation?

5. What is the significance of God not removing the darkness, but giving boundaries to it?

How have you seen God use darkness in your own life?

Discussion Questions:

1. What kinds of demands do you picture the public placing upon Jesus as they recognize

His abilities to teach and heal and perform signs? What enabled Jesus to stay focused

and refreshed instead of burning out and growing tired, cynical or discouraged?

2. What desires drive your life? What do your desires reveal about you?

3. What struggles do you have with selfishness and/or entitlement? How would the world be

different if people were more focused on thankfulness?

4. Why does John emphasize Jesus being a better Moses? How are the tests Moses and the

Israelites have to deal with similar to the test Jesus gives his apostles in John 6?

5. How often do you get quiet with the LORD so He can see your deepest desires? What

kind of commitment will you make this upcoming week to let Him reveal what your

desires are saying about you?

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is change exciting to consider, but difficult to accept? Since transformation (change)

is such an important part of our relationship with God, how does our attitude toward

change affect our walk with Him?

2. What reasons would a person have to not want to be made well? Are there any areas in

your own life where this would be a fair question for Jesus to ask you?

3. In what ways does the man Jesus healed in John 5 and the Jewish leaders have a similar


4. Why does Jesus choose the man He does to heal when there are many others in need?

Why does He not heal them all? What should we take from this for our own walk with


5. The Jewish leaders can’t see who Jesus is because of their understanding of the

Sabbath. Have you seen any areas like this in your own life or our church family that

hinders what God is trying to show us?

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